Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Advantage of using bio fuel.

The most important advantage of using liquid as fuel is that they can be easily pumped & can also be handled easily. This is the main reason why almost all the vehicles use liquid form of fuels for combustion purpose. For other forms of non transportation applications there are other alternative solid biomass fuel like wood. These non transportation applications can bring into use these solid biomass fuels as they can easily bear the low power density of external combustion. Wood has been brought into use since a very long period and is one of the major contributors of global warming.

Biofuels are the best way of reducing the emission of the greenhouse gases. They can also be looked upon as a way of energy security which stands as an alternative of fossil fuels that are limited in availability. Today, the use of biofuels has expanded throughout the globe. Some of the major producers & users of biogases arre Asia, Europe & America. Theoretically, biofuel can be easily produced through any carbon source, making the photosynthetic plants the most commonly used material for production. Almost all types of mtaerials derived from plants are used for manufacturing biogas. One of the greatest problems that is being faced by the reserachers in the field is how to convert the biomass energy into the liquid fuel.

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